what we do:
help you gain and retain customers
On average, our clients see 20-30% of their revenue coming through email and sms marketing, with a large majority of that coming directly through email automations. These are emails like a Welcome Series to say ‘Hey!’ to new subscribers or an Abandoned Cart, for customers who add something to their cart but don’t take the next step.
These emails are so important because they are directly responding to an action that the customer has taken or are a timely reminder to keep customers coming back. A typical email automation ecosystem has anywhere between 3-12 (or more, it depends entirely on the needs of the business) of these automations that keep your business on your customers minds even when you're busy doing other things.
Optimizations and a/b testing
Set it and forget it is great for a lot of things, but not when it comes to Email and SMS! Getting proven automations, sign up forms, and segmentation (groups of your audience that have specific interests or take certain actions) is a great start but making sure everything is operating as well as possible is super important as well.
There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to your audience. Most of the time, the best way to figure out what will speak to your customers is to try something, see what works, and continually learn and grow. Already have automations set up? We’re optimization pros and can provide you with an account audit and suggestions on A/B tests to run and ways to increase your revenue.
Yes! Let’s get down and dirty and plan out the best way to connect with your customers and grow your business. From personalization to which audiences respond to what content and everything in between, we love pouring through the data and figuring out what is working and what to do next. It’s the reason we love board and video games - we’ve got a (friendly!) competitive side and that shines through when it comes to helping your business flourish.
Email and SMS campaigns are the timely/one-time announcements of your business: think newsletters, sales announcements, new products, pre-orders - all that good stuff. We’re here to help make these emails a breeze!
From planning, writing, designing, and execution; we can do it all! We monitor your deliverability (making sure your emails get in the inbox and not in the spam folder) and make sure every email is something to be proud of.
Let’s break your marketing out of its shell
Let’s break your marketing out of its shell ✴︎
We’re friendly, we’re chill, and we know what we’re doing.
Here’s what to expect! Once you reach out, we’ll schedule a consultation call and talk about your goals and make sure we’re a good fit for your business. Then, we’ll put together a proposal from that conversation and if everything looks good, we’ll get to work!
We’ll keep everything easy from day one.